I do NOT have a weak stomach but these pictures are so gross I can barely stand it, not sure why. This is what Dr. Johnny Walker saw during my original Upper Endoscopy that led him to the diagnosis of Achalasia.
Amidst my
Propafol hangover I remember him saying something about the "classic rat tail" which I guess would be the center picture where the esophagus can be seen tapering off to a fine point. The bottom picture is what the sandwich I just ate is sitting on top of.
It will be very interesting to see the difference in the Barium Swallow and these photos after I have the surgery next Thursday.

We are packed and ready to go. We rented a car tomorrow while we are in Salt Lake City, Utah for an 8 hour layover. I was there in October with my biking buddy Bob but all we accomplished was a quick photo of the Temple while illegally parked. Kelly and I will be much more civilized. We will check out some museums and parks, maybe the zoo.
Phoebe just walked in from school and announced that NOBODY wants to see these pictures. She could be right.
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